Travel tips Taiwan (travel advice):
- Come as close to summer as possible, because that way you can fully enjoy the best of Taiwan: rivers and waterfalls (but avoid the worst months of the typhoon season: July-August-September).
- Bring suitable footwear for trekking, because here it rains a lot and you can slip if you are not wearing suitable boots.
- Do not forget the raincoat, in Taiwan it rains a lot. Thin if it is summer, and thicker if it is winter. Also come with a fleece, because the difference in temperature between the coast and the mountains can reach 15 degrees.
- If you are thinking of river tracing, bathing in waterfalls and snorkeling, don't forget to bring some booties.
- Unless you come in July-August-September, if you want to bathe in the river and waterfalls, better bring a wetsuit to avoid getting cold. It can also help you not to get burned on sunny days!
- Many restaurants and hotels do not accept credit cards, so we recommend that you come with a card that allows you to withdraw at ATMs without commission, such as Revolut or N-26 (conventional bank cards charge between 4- 8% commission for withdrawing abroad, in addition to the charge that the ATM itself can make you).
- If you plan to use hostels and guest houses to minimize the cost of accommodation, you better go with a trolley backpack, since these places do not usually have an elevator and it will be good for you to be able to carry it on your back when necessary! This one from Osprey
has accompanied us around the world and is still as good as new.
- There are a lot of mosquitoes in Taiwan. In the parks they can bite you at any time of the year. It is not that they can spread any serious disease, but it is better to avoid bites because they are very annoying. Repellent is easy to find in supermarkets and convenience stores.