- Brief description: In 1260, the Jewish community of Toledo was granted an extraordinary permit from the King Alfonso X to rebuild "the biggest and most glorious synagogue in Spain". The building was erected on Christian soil, at the request of the Jews, and Arab builders carried out the work. This is probably why the interior is more reminiscent of a mosque than a synagogue: built in the Mudejar style, its five naves are divided by pillars topped by horseshoe arches. It has plain white brick walls, horseshoe arches and octagonal pillars, with a geometric decor in the friezes and capitals decorated with plants. It served as a synagogue until the attack on the Jewish quarter in 1355 and the massacres of 1391. Today it is the parish church of Santa María la Blanca, though no longer a place of worship. We strongly recommend going inside.
- Cost: 2.50€.
- Length of visit: 30 minutes.
- Hours: 1 May-30 October: 10.00 to 18:45; 31 October-30 April: 10.00 to 17:45.