- Brief description: Built between the 12th and 16th centuries, the Alcazar of Segovia was restored and enlarged on numerous occasions, from the times of Alfonso X to those of Felipe II. The latter is responsible for its present appearance, its fairy tale castle "silhouette", which makes it unique among Spanish castles and one of the most sumptuous 15th century palace-castles. It's well worth observing from the outside (visiting it by car for a view from the road is also nice), but the interior, the halls and rooms of which were decorated luxuriously and beautifully by Mudejar painters and other artists, is also interesting. Noteworthy are the Sala del Trono (Throne Room), Sala de Galera (Galley Chamber), Sala de las Piñas (Pineapple Room) and the Sala de los Reyes (Kings' Room).
- Cost: 5€ (free the third Tuesday of every month for EU citizens).
- Length of visit: 1hr30mins.
- Hours: April to September: 10:00 to 19:00; October to March: 10:00 to 18:00.
- How to get the: 5-minute walk from Plaza Mayor.