Brief description: The National Museum of Korea houses the largest collection of treasures in Korean history and art. This curious new building was built in 2005 in order to protect national treasures. Thus, its structure is designed to withstand an earthquake of magnitude 6.0 on the Richter scale, and all the materials used in its construction are fire resistant. The showcases are equipped with seismic protection platforms that absorb tremors and impacts, lighting is natural and there is an air purification system designed to protect museum objects. If you have spare time and you like history and art, it is a stop that you should not miss. They also have an area for children.
Duration of visit: 1h30min.
Hours: 10.00-18.00 (close at 21.00 on Wednesdays and Saturdays, 19.00 on Sundays and holidays). Closed on Mondays.
Cost: free for the main exhibition.
How to get there: by subway, exit 2 Ichon Station (line 4). From the Korean War Memorial, return to Samgakji subway station and take bus 502 southwards. Get off 7 stops later (15min), just in front of the museum.