- Brief description: also known as the silver pavilion, Ginkakuji is a beautiful Buddhist Zen temple located at the Higashiyama area. It was built in 1474 as the retirement place of shōogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa, who ordered its construction to imitate the beauty of Kinkakuji, the temple covered of gold his grandfather had built years ago. Despite its name, the temple was never silver. The main building is the Kannonden, but the most beautiful thing is the dry garden of white sand that surrounds it. Being a great example of the Japanese landscape architecture, Ginkakuhi has also been declared a World Heritage by Unesco.
- Cost: 500¥
- Duration of visit: 30 min.
- Opening times: open from 8.30-17.00
- How to get there: take the No. 5 bus from the intersection of Shijo and Karasuma Streets. To get back to the hotel, take the No. 5 again (20 min. outward journey and 45 min. return journey to the hotel). Cost per trip 230¥.