![Palazzo Ducale](https://www.way-away.es/media/img/way-away11292.jpg)
- Brief description: situated in St. Mark´s Square itself, this gothic palace was the residence of the dogues, the seat of government and of the court of justice and prison of the Republic of Venice.
- How to get there: in St. Mark´s Square (on the left as you get off the vaporetto).
- Cost: 20€ (includes the Palace, but also Museo Correr, Museo Archeologico Nazionale and Monumental Rooms of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana). If there is a long queu, you can go to Muso Correr and buy the ticket there (you can save up to 1 hour!). You can also buy tickets in advance on the museum´s official web, with 0.5€ extra charge.
- Length of visit: 1h 30min.
- Opening times: 9.00-17.00 in Winter (Nov-Mar) / from 9.00-19.00 the rest of the year. Last entry 1h before closing.