- Brief description: the most interesting area of Naples is without doubt the historic part. You will get an accurate idea of what the city and the people are all about, as well as seeing the main artistic sights. The route that we propose for you starts at the Piazza Dante, on the Via Toledo, and continues along the Via Tribunalli until you reach the end, returning by the S. Biagio del Libral until you get back on to the Via Toledo again. As you go along the route you will notice an enormous number of churches (the Neapolitans are profoundly Catholic, another of their many contradictions): the churches of San Domenico Maggiore, the Duomo (you have to enter by the Via del Duomo), San Giorgio Maggiore, San Gregorio Armeno, Santa Clara and Gesú Nuovo.
- Length of visit: 1h
- How to get there: you can do the visit on foot from any of the hotels on our list of suggestions.