Brief description: the city´s cathedral, Santa María de Fiore, stands out for the originality of its decoration (in pink, green and white marble) and for its dome. Also of note in front of the cathedral´s central door are the baptistry and the belfry (you can pay to go in but we don´t recommend it). Pay attention to the baptistry's carved door, a replica of "Gates of Paradise" by Lorenzo Ghibert. The original door has been recently restored and is on display in the Museum of the Cathedral (7€).
Cost: enter the cathedral and see the dome from below is free (our recommendation). Climbing up to the dome 8€. Cathedral Museum 6€. Baptistery 5€.
Length of visit: 30min (1h30min if visiting the charging zones).
Hours: from 10.00 to 17.00, but some days closes at 16.00.
How to get there: walking.