- Brief description: as it is very difficult to observe pandas in the wild, the next best thing is visiting this breeding and research centre. Here the natural habitat of panda bears has been reproduced in order to guarantee the survival of the species. In the same centre, you can also see other species in danger of extinction. We recommend arriving early in the morning (before 9 am!!!). It's when the pandas are fed and the time of day they are most active. Similar to koalas, which subsist solely on eucalyptus, pandas only eat bamboo, which means they don't have lots of energy and spend most of the day sleeping!
- Duration of visit: 2-3 hr.
- Hours: from 7:30 to 18:00.
- Cost: 58CNY.
- How to get there: the centre is 10km north of the city. A taxi costs 25-30CNY (20 minutes). You can also go by bus, though we don't recommend it as it takes more than an hour to get there and you run the risk of missing feeding time!