Beijing is one of the best cities in the world for getting around by bike, the mode of transport the majority of its citizens use to get from one place to the other. The city is enormous, but very flat. For this reason, even though some of the trips can take up to an hour, we recommend renting a bike nonetheless!
It's a genuine experience, a great way to experience the city, and a perfect opportunity to feel like an authentic Chinese! The rental will cost you around 50CNY for the day. Ask in you hotel for the closest bike rental place.
If you're too tired one day or simply don't want to rent a bike, we will indicate throughout the route how to get where you need to go by metro.
Note: Beijing has a public bicycle service, which is almost free, but it is a bit complicated to activate it. You have to go with a photocopy of your passport, your original passport and your Yikatong to a specific center, fill out a form there and pay a refundable deposit of 400CNY. Given that bike rental is cheap, unless you are in the city for a week or more, we do not recommend it. On the other hand, there are private shared bike rental services around the city, but to use them you must download their app and pay with Wechat or Alipay.