Most Chinese don't speak English, and hand gestures don't always mean the same thing as they do in the West. Below we list some basic words in Mandarin (the most widespread dialect, though hundreds of languages and dialects are spoken throughout the country), as well as the way to express numbers using your hands.
Remember to have as much as possible written down in Chinese. Whenever you need to buy tickets or take a taxi, it's best to have someone at the hotel write down what you want to do in Chinese. It will save you many a headache!
If you are a curious person and you like to learn a little bit about every language whereever you go; we recomend that you to take a diccionary with you.
Always carry a hotel card with you: since few people speak English, if you get lost, you can always show people the card so that they can direct you to your hotel.
Here we give you some basic words that you may want to know:
- Yes: Shi
- No: Bu
- Hello: Ni hao
- Goodbye: Zai jian
- Thank you: Xie xie
- You're welcome: Bu yong xie
- Sorry: Dui bu qi
- Me: Wo
- You: Ni
- Beer: Pi jiu
- Price: Chiá chien
- Hotel: Lu kuan
How to express numbers with your fingers:
Using two hands, you can indicate numbers up to one hundred!